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Forum post tips.

Posting to the forums will give you some traffic
from your sig as we have mentioned in previous
Getting people reading your post is something
that can be improved on by utilising the following
few tips.

  • be creative with your titles,
  • create curiosity or very mild controversy
  • encourage others to share opinions
  • be clear and reply to all replies if possible
  • be honest with all you interact with
  • be yourself, there is no-one else like you
  • be creative with your sig link title
Forums can also be a great place to meet people who
will no doubt have knowledge and skills which may
enhance your online learning.

It is also a great place to barter for help etc, trade
skills with like minded people who need your skills.

Forums are communities.

Treat others as you like to be treated and help advise
any way you can, just as you would offline with those
you know.

A very important tip to remember : not everyone
is like you.. or me.. there are always going to be those
that are out for an argument, or plain old bullying
just as offline.
The best thing is to not give them the time of the day,
the sooner they are ignored the sooner they stop or go.
Just as with offline.

Have fun posting, after all the posters are real people
so get to know them, let them get to know you and it
will drive people to check out your sig, and your blog..

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