If you are new here and have NO blog..please start
by clicking the label "new blog readers" or start here.

Blogging IS the easiest way to start.

There is a train of thought that blogs don't make profits.

What sort of crap is that?

OF course blogs make money..
You think there would be SO many blogs if they DIDN'T
make money?
Not every blog makes money... true!
That's mainly because not every blogger blogs to make money.


You think A blog with 1000 hits a day don't make money?

It will make money from adsense alone, maybe not a massive
chunk every week, but a steady stream of income is going to
happen.. the degree of that income depends entirely on your
topic, your keywords, and your traffic.
My blogs ARE making a steady though
not big income.

Blogs definately make money!

BUT you need a bloody BLOG to make money with one!

If you don't have one getting one set up easier than ever now,
there really isn't an excuse for NOT having one..
Blogger is just to simple to get it wrong!
Try it..

What to blog about?

If you have a passion thats the FIRST thing you want to be
blogging about.... why?

The reason being it will at least keep you keen while you learn
as it's a topic you won't get bored with while learing.
That is important to overcome any frustrations you may have,
i.e writers block, coming up with topics, knowing where to look
for research etc.

Also you may well be passionate about a VERY good niche to
profit from, if so your growth is likely to be very steady and
your profits may be faster in coming and hopefully better.

If you are just getting your feet wet.. choose any topic you
If you want to start out hitting the ground running, spend
some time thinking about the topic / niche you choose.
If it is a broad niche, sport for example.. narrow it to a
niche within that niche.. like tennis, football.. etc.

If it's your first blog.. go set it up at blogger
Bear in mind try to put your topic keyword in the title of your
blog url.. i.e www. keywordhere. blogspot this will help your blog.
Get going, try it out.

Why blogger?

Several reasons for me and they are:
  • blogger has just got easier, better with the new beta.blogger.
  • far simpler to personalise your blog with, simple click-publish
  • google picks up your blog quickly, they DO own it. ;o)
  • easy adsense add on, likely to be your first source of income
  • google is behind this so it can only improve and grow
  • no fees at all, no techy knowledge needed
  • once competant, create more blogs on one dashboard, all free.
The very first step to success online is to simply get going!

Here is my very first post on my marketing blog.. note the date!
You may get some good reading from that blog. :o)

The important thing was for me to get going, as it is for you too.
It is very important you pick a topic you can write about and
not get bored with.. very important for the first blog.

Ok now you got your blog going.. at least started.

Post a link to it in the comments.. share your blog, I will take
a look, and you get your first bit of traffic!

Proceed to read the rest of this blog and keep blogging!

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